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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Banjo Salute

The finger is healing nicely, but it isn't done yet.

The slice on the tip of the middle finger of my right hand is playing havoc with my playing banjo. Just the thought of plucking a taut, steel string with that finger makes me cringe, so I have not played my banjos for a week and a half.

Yesterday I went into the room where I keep the banjos and found that four of them had cut loose all of their strings, which were hanging slack as noodles. Since those four banjos have wooden friction pegs for tuning, I suppose I could assume that the recent change in humidity had caused the pegs to dry out and let go. However, I would prefer to believe that my banjos had simply staged a salute to my injured digit, which is preventing us from enjoying our mutual avocation. Banjos are meant to be played, and they become testy when they are abandoned for long periods of time.

On the other hand, it could also be a protest.

I did take the time to tune them all back up to pitch, so I think we have reconciled our differences for now.

Posted by Brian S. Kimerer at 9:29 PM

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