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Monday, November 30, 2009

Archive Checklist

My previous post was so wordy that I thought I would republish the essence of my archiving process as a checklist. That way it will serve better as a guide when it comes to actually doing it.

  1. Create a new archive folder named after the previous year e.g. arch2009
  2. Move the old blog files into the the new folder.
  3. Copy the scripts, hitcounter, images, etc. into the new folder
  4. Change the blog settings to publish the old blog into the new folder
  5. Republish the entire blog.
  6. Create a new blog using the new year in the name
  7. Copy the template files into the new blog area
  8. Re-create the custom tags in the new blog
  9. Import scripts, images, etc. into the web folder for the new blog
  10. Edit the search file to include the new archive folder
  11. Publish the new blog at the top level.

That is a long list, but I should only have to do it once each year.

Posted by Brian S. Kimerer at 6:42 PM

This site and all of its contents are copyright Brian S. Kimerer 2009