At this point, I decided that I have to hang up the small parts while they dry. There is no way to just set them down without marring one of the surfaces.
Hanging By a Thread
Here is the other part of the tailpiece.
Hanging By a Different Thread
There are still some places on the banjo where the wood has not completely absorbed the finish. Like here on the back of the peghead.
Back of the Peghead is Still Dry
And here on the peghead overlay there are some spots.
Some Dry Spots on the Peghead Overlay
I have stopped using the sandpaper, and I only buff the wood with the steel wool.
Buffing the Neck With Steel Wool
After buffing with the steel wool, I rub it down with a rough cloth. That gets the steel wool particles off the wood and smooths it down a bit.
Vigorous Rubbing With a Rough Cloth
Once again, no photos of me putting on the oil. But here is the tailpiece hanging up to dry. The bright spot on the tailpiece is a reflection of the knurled knob on the block plane that is sitting on the shelf.
The Tailpiece Has Been Hung Out to Dry
The other tailpiece is also hanging up to dry.
Also Hung
Here we go again. The big parts are drying on the floor.
Drying on the Floor