
I have started another banjo building project. This time I am going to build a minstrel style banjo from the ground up. The design of this banjo will be different from the usual minstrel in several ways. For one thing, it will have a very deep pot. The pot will be 3 1/2" deep instead of the more customary 2" to 2 1/2" deep. The reason for this is that I want to make a banjo that sounds like a gourd banjo, but with a wooden hoop instead of a gourd for a pot. The gourds I have used for my banjos are very large, and I want to duplicate the volume of those banjos on this one. You can see how I built my gourd banjos by visiting Brian's Home Page and clicking on the links that are on the left hand side.

I have alread made a hoop for this banjo. It took me a long time to figure out how to do that, so that part of the projet has been described on a different page, Bending Banjo Hoops. Get ready for a long read if you go there.

Another difference is that I am going to construct this banjo in the same manner as I made my gourd banjos. The neck will be extended to a long tailpiece that will be skewered through the banjo hoop at the proper neck angle. The usual way of attaching the neck to the pot is to use a round dowel stick that is set into the heel of the neck at the proper angle, and then the dowel goes straight through the hoop parallel with the head. I am going to attach the neck in this odd way because, well.. I don't know how to do it the traditional way.

This will be a tackhead banjo because I do not have the tools and skills yet to make metal tension hoops, shoes, hooks, nuts and all that other stuff. So I will be simply stretching a calf skin across the top of the hoop and tacking it to the wood.

The intention of this web site is to chronicle my (mis)adventures while I attempt to build this banjo. I am sure that there will be some gotcha's and oopsies along the way... so far that is what has happened each time I have done this. But I keep doing it anyway. So that is about it for the introduction. The next step is to get the project under way.

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Original post date February 2, 2013

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Last updated September 2, 2018